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Horns Bee

smoking accessories

With the achievement in producing smoking accessories, the need of enlarging our business was never so clear by the mid-2010s. Some of us suggested we should expand our products to a wider market.

Hence the brand Horns Bee and the company Sam Young Trading Co. were introduced. Consequently, we have created a complete business chain from production with Gerui, to global trading via Sam Young, and with an internationally registered brand that represents our top notch products, Horns Bee.

  • Horns Bee Unbleached Paper Cone

    Horns Bee Unbleached Paper Cone

    Pre roll pepper cones, arguably being the essential parts of a smoking experience, is something that cannot be ignored if you are a stoner. Here at Horns Bee, we offer the premium unbleached paper cone that you can use to roll a joint with ease. The king size cone comes in 5 different packages: 9-pack, 32-pack, 50-pack, 100-pack, and 200-pack. The carboard package of 9 and 32-pack gives you the accessibility of carrying on the go, and the 50, 100, and 200-pack can give you a better value for money when buying a larger quantity.

  • Hemp Wick for cannabis weed hemp rope covered with bee wax

    Hemp Wick for cannabis weed hemp rope covered with bee wax

    With the increasing attention on cannabis usage nowadays, stoner accessories are also getting more spotlight. One of the essential components in the experience is the fire: you would need it to initiate the whole thing. Usually, people use a butane lighter or a traditional lighter to ignite the cannabis material, but there are some drawbacks. First of all, a lighter is hard to use sometime: maybe you would be fine just lighting up a joint, but when using a smoking bong, a lighter puts your hand in an awkward position. Secondly, lighters often bring unstable fire: the uneven distribution of gas through a traditional lighter would not provide a steady heat source, ruining the smoking experience. Lastly, lighter gas is a harmful chemical that impacts the taste and, more importantly, your body.